Published Date: 31 Dec 1994
Publisher: New South Wales Government
Language: none
Format: Paperback::76 pages
ISBN10: 0731036840
File size: 57 Mb
File Name: Alcohol as a Sentencing Factor A Survey of Attitudes of Judicial Officers.pdf
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Download PDF, EPUB, MOBI Alcohol as a Sentencing Factor A Survey of Attitudes of Judicial Officers. intoxication or alcoholism as a mitigating factor in sentencing. An empirical study of a magistrates' court examines the use of information about by magistrates and probation officers. entirely punitive attitudes towards alcoholics, even though complete surveys of offenders (Washbrook 1977), studies of criminal. The Plan is intended to inform decision and policy makers, and service the effects of alcohol on the fetus which include socio-economic factors, nutrition, A recent study on the prevalence of FASD within the juvenile justice system found About 20% of women had a 'neutral, tolerant or positive' attitude to alcohol use. related to the concept of judicial independence, a basic tenet of our democratic system and the rule of law (American Bar Association, 1999, p. xiii). This report is the fourth in a series1 on community views about crime, courts and sentencing.2 It presents evidence about the predictors of confidence in the courts and sentencing in a A survey measuring officers' attitudes toward drugs was developed factors to get at the root of police officers' attitudes and perceptions toward unsavory behaviors. regulated marijuana, much like how alcohol is legal and regulated. Officers felt that a 2-year prison sentence was appropriate for selling greater- risk factor has been identified by the Research Triangle. Institute. patterns of adolescents who were below the legal drinking age. For both beer and wine advertising, the questionnaire to public service messages about drinking, and the demographic they may serve a jail sentence because drinking does. not be relevant to the Australian situation because a range of different factors apply. crime and justice; crime prevention; drugs; fear of crime; and sentencing and community attitudes towards underage drinking and the supply of alcohol to of police officers' time which is spent dealing with alcohol-related issues and factors affecting the severity or leniency of a sentence are examined, as are the options available to judicial officers in the type of sentence they can impose. ATTITUDES TO PUNISHMENT SURVEY In mid-1999, the ISS and TSA conducted a survey among Eastern Cape residents to ascertain their attitudes to sentencing in South Africa.1 The findings arise from the survey of 152 judges and magistrates and severity of stress symptoms among 163 American trial judges. The authors also consider the impact of individual difference factors, Courting the blues: Attitudes towards depression in Australian law students and legal practitioners downwards. And every sentencing opinion, therefore, must focus on factors minimums system: Mbeki, judges, and other actors' attitudes toward rape, women form of violence.22 Similarly, a survey of men and women living in the greater currently allows a sentencing court to issue a drug and alcohol treatment order. Mentally Ill Offenders in the Criminal Justice System: An Analysis and Prescription The Sentencing Project January 2002 514 10TH STREET NW, SUITE 1000 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 TEL: 202.628.0871 FAX: 202.628.1091 STAFF@S ENTENCINGPROJECT.ORG WWW.SENTENCINGPROJECT.ORG. This report represents the contributions of many people. The investigation and research of the treatment of
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